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周扬  李寻欢 《地理科学》2019,39(10):1592-1601
以安徽省利辛县为例,运用空间自相关分析和地理探测器模型,验证了平原农区是否存在空间贫困陷阱,定量探测了平原农区农村贫困化主导因子,揭示了平原农区贫困化地域分异机制。结果表明:①平原农区农村贫困化存在明显的地域分异规律和空间集聚性,张庄村、贾桥村、徐田村、刘染村、陆楼村长期处于贫困发生率的“高高集聚”区,空间上存在贫困陷阱现象;②区位条件、公共服务等第二地理要素对平原农区贫困化分异起主导作用,自然环境、资源禀赋等第一地理要素的影响作用较弱,到县城中心距离、到主干道距离、公共服务点数量和人均耕地面积是利辛县农村贫困化的主导因子;③交互探测的结果显示,主导因素交互作用的驱动力呈非线性增强。平原农区在精准扶贫的实践中,应重视第二地理要素对贫困分异的增强作用,加强交通设施投入,合理布局公共服务点,促进基本公共服务均等化,为平原农区减贫提供基础保障。为了实现这一目标,亟待强化贫困地理学的贫困发生机制、贫困地理格局和减贫路径研究。  相似文献   
发展地理学视角下欠发达地区贫困的地方分异与治理   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
刘小鹏  李伟华  王鹏  王亚娟  程静  马存霞 《地理学报》2019,74(10):2108-2122
在梳理发展地理学的发展过程、基本理论、分析模式和方法的基础上,结合中国解决区域性整体贫困目标和可持续发展本地化与减贫的学术探索,构建了欠发达地区贫困的发展地理学分析框架,建立了由经济地理资本、社会地理资本、文化地理资本、生态地理资本和政治地理资本构成的“五位一体”地理资本指标体系,提出了数据处理集成方法和技术流程,系统分析欠发达地区贫困的地方分异与治理方案。实证研究显示:① 地理探测可以确定作用地方贫困的主导地理资本,各主导地理资本对贫困发生率的决定力LA, P ≥ 0.15;② 在不同主导地理资本作用下,5个单维地理资本指数及其合成的区域地理资本指数地方分异明显,存在阻隔和时滞特征;③ 贫困的地方分异可分为经济地理资本约束型、经济—社会地理资本约束型、经济—社会—生态地理资本约束型、经济—社会—文化—生态地理资本约束型4大类共7小类;④ 立足发展特征,挖掘地方动力,提出不同贫困分异类型的地方治理对策和模式。乡村振兴和2020年的减贫转向,应重视欠发达地区贫困的空间分异与空间扩散、空间整合的综合研究,为可持续发展本地化与减贫提供发展地理学解决方案。  相似文献   
湖南省县域乡村反贫困绩效评价与空间分异特征   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
综合运用熵值法、地理探测器等方法,从基本生存绩效、自身发展绩效,县域扶贫绩效3个方面构建指标体系,对湖南省51个贫困县2017年反贫困绩效空间地域分异特征及其影响因素进行研究。结果表明:湖南省贫困农户一般能满足基本的生存需要;自身发展绩效水平得分较高的区域大多处于武陵源区、鹤城区等城市市区周围以及罗霄山片区,而雪峰山脉周围县市则普遍较低;县域扶贫绩效水平高的区域分布较为零散,大致位于各城区周围,而省城或西北的少数民族聚集区以及中南部绩效水平还有待提高。反贫困绩效总体上呈现出高、中、低3种绩效水平交替分布的空间特征,愈靠近武陵源区、鹤城区和长株潭地区的贫困县市,综合反贫困绩效水平愈高。县域发展情况是影响湖南省反贫困绩效的决定性因素,农户条件与乡村状况是基础性因素,自然条件是重要因素,各因子间交互作用的影响远大于单因子,不存在独立作用的因素,体现出湖南省反贫困绩效影响因素的复杂性特征。  相似文献   
This paper examines power relations, coalitions and conflicts that drive and hinder institutional change in South African climate policy. The analysis finds that the most contested climate policies are those that create distributional conflicts where powerful, non-poor actors will potentially experience real losses to their fossil fuel-based operations. This finding opposes the assumption of competing objectives between emissions and poverty reduction. Yet, actors use discourse that relates to potentially competing objectives between emissions reductions, jobs, poverty reduction and economic welfare.

The analysis relates to the broader questions on how to address public policy problems that affect the two objectives of mitigating climate change and simultaneously boosting socio-economic development. South Africa is a middle-income country that represents the challenge of accommodating simultaneous efforts for emissions and poverty reduction.

Institutional change has been constrained especially in the process towards establishing climate budgets and a carbon tax. The opposing coalitions have succeeded in delaying the implementation of these processes, as a result of unequal power relations. Institutional change in South African climate policy can be predominantly characterized as layering with elements of policy innovation. New policies build on existing regulations in all three cases of climate policy examined: the climate change response white paper, the carbon tax and the renewable energy programme. Unbalanced power relations between coalitions of support in government and civil society and opposition mainly from the affected industry result in very fragile institutional change.

Key policy insights

  • The South African government has managed to drive institutional change in climate policy significantly over the past 7 years.

  • Powerful coalitions of coal-related industries and their lobbies have constrained institutional change and managed to delay the implementation of carbon pricing measures.

  • A successfully managed renewable energy programme has started to transform a coal- and nuclear-powered electricity sector towards integrating sustainable energy technologies. The programme is vulnerable to intergovernmental opposition and requires management at the highest political levels.

  • Potential conflict with poverty reduction measures is not a major concern that actively hinders institutional change towards climate objectives. Predominantly non-poor actors frequently use poverty-related discourse to elevate their interests to issues of public concern.

本文论述了乌蒙山区经济社会主要特点,剖析了贫困落后的各种制约因素,提出了今后脱贫致富的若干途径与措施。  相似文献   
Book Reviewed in this article: The Vanishing Farmland Crisis, Critical Views of the Movement to Preserve Agricultural Land . John Baden Protecting Farmlands . Frederick R. Steiner and John E. Theilacker Ecological Effects of Fire in South African Ecosystems . Peter de V. Booysen and Neil M. Tainton Geography in China . Wu Chuanjun , Wang Nailiang , Lin Chao and Zhao Songqiao Resource Inventory and Baseline Study Methods for Developing Countries . Francis Conant , Peter Rogers , Marion Baumgardner , Cyrus Mc Kell , Raymond Dasmann, and Priscilla Reining Principles of Remote Sensing . Paul J. Curran Famine As A Geographical Phenomenon . Bruce Currey and Graeme Hugo The Suburban Squeeze: Land Conversion and Regulation in the San Francisco Bay Area . David E. Dowall Senses of Place . John Eyles Uneven Development and the Geographical Transfer of Value . D. K. Forbes and P. J. Rimmer Issues in Wilderness Management . Michael Frome Land-use and Prehistory in South-east Spain , The London Research Series in Geography 8. Antonio Gilman and John B. Thornes with Stephen Wise Regions in Question, Space, Development Theory and Regional Policy . Charles Gore The Colorado River: Instability and Basin Management . William L. Graf Hazardous Waste Sites: The Credibility Gap . Michael R. Greenberg and Richard F. Anderson Peasants, Subsistence Ecology, and Development in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea . Lawrence S. Grossman Silver Cities: The Photography of American Urbanization, 1839-1915 Peter B. Hales Silicon Landscapes . Peter Hall and Ann Markusen Remaking Ibieca: Rural Life in Aragon under Franco . Susan F. Harding The European Energy Challenge: East and West . George W. Hoffman The Global Climate . John T. Houghton The Urban Jobless in Eastern Africa . Abel G. M. Ishumi . The Tourist: Travel in Twentieth-Century North America . John A. Jakle City and Society: An Outline for Urban Geography . R. J. Johnston Residential Segregation, The State and Constitutional Conflict in American Urban Areas . R. J. Johnston Accessibility and Utilization: Geographical Perspectives on Health Care Delivery . Alun E. Joseph and David R. Phillips To the Heart of Asia: The Life of Sven Hedin . George Kish North American Culture , Vol 1. Ary J. Lamme III Past and Present in the Americas: A Compendium of Recent Studies . John Lynch Ethnicity in Contemporary America: A Geographical Appraisal . Jesse O. Mc Kee The Shell Countryside Book . Richard Muir and Eric Duffey 1990 Planning Conference Series. Proceedings of the National Geographic Areas Conference . Proceedings of the Regional Geographic Areas Conferences Wood, Brick, and Stone: The North American Settlement Landscape . Vol. 2: Barns and Farm Structures . Allen G. Noble Bangladesh: Biography of a Muslim Nation . Charles Peter O'donnell  相似文献   
李季刚  赵燕 《地域研究与开发》2021,40(2):108-112,123
基于“收入-消费”二维视角,分析西部少数民族地区普惠金融发展对减缓农村贫困的异质性影响。采用改良的突变级数法对西部少数民族地区各省份普惠金融发展指数进行测度,并采用固定效应、随机效应和面板分位数回归验证所提假设。结果表明:西部少数民族地区各省份普惠金融初期发展水平不同,但随时间推移呈现趋同现象。普惠金融发展减缓农村收入贫困和消费贫困具有显著的正向影响,并存在非线性现象。普惠金融发展对减缓农村贫困具有显著异质性影响,随着收入的增加,普惠金融发展对减缓农村收入贫困的影响力呈现递减趋势;随着消费水平的提高,普惠金融发展对减缓农村消费贫困的影响力呈现先递减后递增的现象。  相似文献   
广西边境民族地区旅游扶贫是我国脱贫攻坚的重要组成部分。通过数据包络分析(DEA)测算广西边境民族地区2011—2017年的旅游扶贫效率,结合Malmquist指数进行跨期动态分析,并运用ArcGIS10.0进行时空演化特征分析。结果表明:1)广西边境民族地区旅游扶贫效率处于中等偏高水平,各县(市、区)旅游扶贫综合效率时空分布差异较大,主要受纯技术效率影响;2)广西边境民族地区整体旅游扶贫Malmquist指数总体处于逐步衰退的趋势,其中规模效率变化指数贡献最大,纯技术效率变化指数次之;3)从投入产出效率角度分析,广西边境民族地区旅游扶贫效率随时间的变化表现出空间集聚态势增强的趋势,聚集程度增加;4)旅游扶贫效率类型主要分为潜力型、发展型、成熟型和衰退型4种类型,少数县(市、区)旅游扶贫效果不明显。  相似文献   
To realize efficient and sustainable poverty alleviation,this study firstly investigated the identification of multidimensional poverty and relative poverty,and then explored relevant poverty alleviation pathways.Poverty levels in 31 provinces including the autonomous re-gions and municipalities of China were identified at the county level using the average nighttime light index (ANLI),county multidimensional development index (CMDI),and a method combining multidimensional poverty index and relative poverty standards.Poverty alleviation pathways for poverty-stricken counties were explored from the aspects of industry,education,tourism and agriculture.The results revealed that nearly 60% of counties in China were primarily under relative poverty,most of which were corresponded to light relative pov-erty.In terms of ANLI and CMDI,63% and 79% of the national poverty-stricken counties,as of 2018,could be identified,suggesting that CMDI had a higher performance for identifying poverty at the county level.In terms of poverty alleviation pathways,414,172,442,and 298 poverty-stricken counties were receptive to industry poverty alleviation,education poverty alleviation,tourism poverty alleviation,and agriculture poverty alleviation,and 61% of coun-ties had more poverty-causing factors,implying that multidimensional poverty alleviation is suitable in most of the counties.  相似文献   
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